Digital drawings Digital drawings

Illustrations for the literary essay Horizontale by Jules Clara, published in Nouveau Projet [atelier 10], 2021

Drawing inspired by la Mélancolie from Dürer

Poster for the wandering performance Facture de la Mélancolie by the cie JéTO, as part of the local festival Ô Vallon, 2023

Abstract drawing

Illustration for the travelling exhibition Green Valley, notably at the Maison Rousseau Littérature, 2022

Portray - digital drawing Portray - digital drawing

Cover for the book Georges Nicole - Yves Velan. Correspondance 1941-1958, published by the Éditions de l'Aire, 2022

Cultural institutions

Illustration for the national conference On ne naît pas institution, on le devient, organised by the University of Lausanne and the Cinémathèque suisse, 2022

Woman in a pool Cat sleeping on a chair Dog in a giant icecube

Illustrations for the poetry collection Cà Phê Trưng by Anne-Sophie Dubosson, published by Torticolis et frères, 2021

A buffalo drawing inspired by Dürer's Rhinoceros Two mens watching outside a window

Selected risography prints, 297x210mm, 2021-2023

A chair with stuff on it Clothes hanging Books

Tiré à part enhanced with risography drawings from L'impasse, la stupeur et la crise by Jules Clara, published in the Revue Zinc, no 56, 2022